This list contains a sorted and vetted compilation of World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow (a one-year program that ran from 1993 to 2003) and Young Global Leaders (a five-year program started 2004/2005 and still running). Read more about World Economic Forum and Young Global Leaders in my article here. Download the list for free below.
Download links
Last update: Sep 2023, including this year’s recruits plus a few amendments (e.g. Vivek Ramaswamy who was wrongly added by WEF despite declining).
YGL 1993–2023.xlsx (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)
YGL 1993–2023.ods (Open Office spreadsheet)
YGL 1993–2023.csv (comma separated raw data, without link to profile)
YGL 1993–2023 (by Last Name).pdf
YGL 1993–2023 (by Country).pdf
YGL 1993–2023 (by Region).pdf
YGL 1993–2023 (by Sector.pdf
YGL 1993–2023 (by Year).pdf
This list was compiled in a collaborative effort between our foundation Stiftelsen Pharos and the Malone Institute February–June 2022. We have done much manual research in order to verify each GLT and YGL and to identify those with minimal info given in WEF’s lists. Some prominent participants appear to have been removed from the WEF website, or were never officially listed, but have been named by Klaus Schwab himself.
• Names: Some spellings have been corrected and last names updated. In many Asian countries it is customary to put the family name first (there are exceptions, especially when working with or in the West). We have tried to identify and put family name in the correct column but may not have gotten all of them right.
• Positions and Organisations are in many cases updated to the most recent we could find, but not always. Links to some of the organisations have been added.
• Sector (stakeholder) designations chosen by WEF have changed over the years, so we have used the most descriptive and also added our own categories and subcategories for more detailed information – especially in the diverse Business sector.
• Region designations used by WEF have also changed over the years, so we have used simpler geographical regions.
• Extra info: We have added additional info of interest such as sex, political position, past position, university, notes, and link to profile at WEF (if one is available, or else Wikipedia, LinkedIn, company pages, or news articles).
The list is primarily based on World Economic Forum’s own published lists, press releases, and search engines (some via Internet Archives (Wayback Machine). Note that pdf files may download automatically when clicked.
YGL Honourees 2022 (WEF press release)
YGL Honourees 2023 (WEF press release)
YGL Honourees 2016–2022 (WEF’s new YGL search engine, only goes back 5 years)

The list is open to corrections and additions should anyone spot an error, a duplicate, or have more information (contact us).
If you find this list helpful, consider making a donation to our foundation.
Jacob Nordangard books (more titles are under translation)