I had the honor of giving the opening presentation at the Spotlight Conference in Stavanger April 15th. In my talk (21:00-1:02:00) I focused on the
Category: Technocracy

During the World Government Summit 2023, which was held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on February 13-15, the chairman of the World Economic

Jacob Nordangårds presentation from Northern Light Convention i Malmö covers the history and objectives of the World Economic Forum and how they have become the

The war in Ukraine may have a far greater significance than what is being portrayed in the media. The game is more complex and accommodates

Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several

While citizens all over the world are obsessing over mandates and lock downs, the global upper class are using the crisis to diligently reset society

The Swedish scholar and PhD, Jacob Nordangård has made it his academic mission to analyse and map the global power networks and how they drive

Die Corona-Krise ist der Auslöser zu einem globalen Staatsstreich von monumentalem Ausmass. Es ist die Einleitung einer neuen Ära, mit einer neuen internationalen ökonomischen Ordnung,